Shipping Policy

Order Confirmation:

All orders placed will receive an order confirmation e-mail. This means that we have received your order in our system and pre-authorized your credit card for the purchase. As soon as we receive your order we will process the charges and submit the order for shipment.

Order Shipment:

If your order is in stock, we will ship the products within five business days from the date of your order. Business days are Monday through Friday, excluding holidays determined by common and our freight carriers. For each individual order, we select a shipping method that will provide both value and speedy delivery. We will send you tracking information if you require within 24 hours to your e-mail address you provide when checking out. If you do not receive tracking information from us within six business days of your order feel free to follow up with us at


Please inspect the packaging of your item(s) when they arrive. If you notice any damage, you should make note of it when signing the courier/delivery document. If your item(s) do arrived damaged, please send photos to and we will process a claim on your behalf and send a replacement.

Cancellations & Refunds:

All orders cannot be cancelled after 48 hours. They are subject to a $20 dollar administration fee whether or not your order has been shipped. If your order has shipped, you (the buyer) will also be responsible for actual return shipping charges. Refunds will only be issued to the original credit card that you use when placing your order.

Product Prices:

All product prices do not include shipping and postage. The system will automatically calculate your shipping costs based on current courier charges provided by our local freight company. Please note that customers outside of Singapore shall be responsible for the payment of any import taxes, duties, tariffs or similar charges which may be imposed over and above ordinary shipping charges by your Country or State.

Geographical Locations

Some products can’t be shipped to all geographical locations due to warranty issues, manufacturer requirements and other restrictions. You’ll be notified while placing your order if we’re unable to ship specific items to the address you’ve selected.

For local customers: (Singapore)

Order Confirmation:

All orders placed will receive an order confirmation e-mail. This means that we have received your order in our system and pre-authorized your credit card for the purchase. As soon as we receive your order we will process the charges and submit the order for delivery.

Delivery Confirmation:

All orders placed before 2 pm will receive the goods the same day evening. Customers will be contacted to verify on delivery matters and can choose a different date if they prefer. All orders placed after 2 pm will be transferred to the next working day for delivery. Delivery of goods is free between 6 to 9 pm. There will be delivery charges based on area for any other timing. Any orders cancelled while delivery is in progress will be charged a $10 dollar administrative fee upon arrival.

Payment Policies:

Customers can opt to pay by Credit card or Cash when placing orders. Customers are encouraged to keep the exact amount when ordering the products on Cash terms. All products can be exchanged with another with some charges based on product prices.